Serie A: Milan-Spezia 1-2 and Bologna-Napoli 0-2

Milan-Spezia 1-2 The report and Bologna-Napoli 0-2 The report

A serious mistake by the referee disfavors the Rossoneri, Spezia wins in the 96th minute. Lozano relaunches the Neapolitans

serie a milan spezia formations - Sport Flavor

Everything happens at San Siro

  Milan-Spezia is a game destined to spark rivers of controversy but the Rossoneri, after taking the lead, are unable to win.

  Milan wastes the chance to overtake Inter and sees Napoli dangerously close to just two points. The goal by Leao, the best in the field in Pioli's team, weighs yet another wrong penalty - procured by Leao - with Theo Hernandez's mistake from the spot. The Rossoneri defense is wrong on par with Agudelo. The referee's decision in full recovery is sensational and inexplicable, not granting the advantage to Milan, nullifying Messias' goal, and interrupting the game. At the last second available, then, La Spezia restarts and the 2-1 signed by Gyasi arrives with the time now expired. The protests of the few Rossoneri fans present at San Siro were inevitable. But Milan had to close the game first, the stake was the top of Serie A and more cynicism is needed. Instead, Spezia resists the assaults of Pioli's team thanks to an extraordinary performance by Provider which is a wall on Ibrahimovic, especially in the final minutes.

"I tried to calm the boys down, but I couldn't. We knew we had been wronged and we lost our clarity. The responsibilities are to be shared with the referee who apologized to us": Milan coach Stefano Pioli said later. the knockout suffered against Spezia and the mistake of the match director who interrupted the game in the recovery, without giving the advantage to the Rossoneri and nullifying Messias' goal. "It was also strange because he whistled little during the match, then stopped the game on Rebic in an intervention that was perhaps not even a foul. It is a bad evening - explains the coach - and we must react immediately. This defeat. it must not affect the next matches. Having taken the lead should have given us more confidence. We will react, the team has always done so. It is good to meet these opponents (Juve and Inter ed) who will give us motivation. We did not deserve defeat. "

"We all know that Milan is a very strong team, with great qualities like Theo, Leao, Florenzi. They are players who attack a lot and cross a lot. But they leave space behind. We have been good at taking advantage of their mistakes. We have had other opportunities. and that we deserved to win ": this is the satisfaction of Thiago Motta, interviewed by Dazn, after Spezia's success against Milan at San Siro. "The team was good because they knew it was a difficult match against an opponent playing to win the Scudetto. We did very well until the end," explains Motta. La Spezia scored the decisive 2-1 in the 96th minute.

 Napoli starts again and wins 2-0 in Bologna thanks to a brace from Mexican Hirving Lozano. Naples ahead after twenty minutes thanks to an idea from Elmas propitiated by Zielinski. On the cross in the area, Lozano anticipates everyone and beats Skorupski. Post for Fabian Ruiz in the final time. The second half opens with the doubling of Lozano on a cue from Fabian Ruiz. In the final Spalletti also finds Osimenh who has time to touch 0-3. In the Bolognese pole recovery with Svanberg.


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